Thursday, April 20, 2017

Minyak Naik Lagi


every week harga minyak naik.. to those yang rasa naik sen2 tu tak bermakna, well, certainly not for me.. especially bila you have to travel to and from work approximately 150km a day dengan kadar tol rm11.50 setiap hari.  roughly, per week, i will spend around rm160 for petrol and toll... and that's rm640 a month.. belum campur tolak dengan car loan and maintenance of the car lagi.. pheww...

somehow, at one point, rasa macam dah malas je nak frust.. dengan kenaikan harga minyak, inflation rate, barang keperluan dan kos kehidupan sehari2 semakin tinggi.. and whether you like it or not.. you got to face it. so here i am.. menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa.. mengeluh kadang2 dan sentiasa berdoa keadaan akan berubah menjadi lebih baik.. i really have to watch out my expenses, especially when it comes to things yg kehendak, bukan keperluan.. *sigh*